Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday 24 August 2010 - am

First of all, I dreamed of a butterfly (black and white) on my shoulder. It was fluttering about and couldn’t seem to get off but I didn’t want to shoo it in case I hurt it.

Then I seemed to be at a gathering, like a BBQ, but there was heaps of people there. We were getting ready to travel (drive somewhere, lengthy drive) and I was placing various types of bread in my bag for the trip (i.e. ham & cheese sandwich, mini bread roll, bacon and cheese roll etc) then Dona had some steaks on a plate and one was raw and the other barely cooked, I was going to make a sandwich for her but I couldn’t get a chair to sit on.

To see bread in your dream represents the basic needs of life. Bread may signify the positive qualities and great things you have learned on your journey of life. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to rise above the situation or rise for the occasion.

To see raw meat in your dream represents obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. Alternatively, it may reflect your untamed, animalistic nature and raw emotions.
To eat or cook meat in your dream, suggests that you are getting to the heart of the matter. You are recognizing and utilizing your instinctual energies. Alternatively, you are seeing others achieve what you are still striving for.

Butterfly To see a butterfly in your dream denotes your need to settle down. Butterflies signify creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You may be experiencing a transformation into a new way of thinking. Or you may be undergoing a transitional phase. Consider the term "social butterfly" to describe someone who is popular and outgoing. Does this describe you? Perhaps you need to be more outgoing. Alternatively, the butterfly is symbolic of longevity.

To see your shoulders in your dream, symbolize strength, responsibility and burdens. Perhaps you feel that you have too much responsibility to bear and are overburdened by circumstances in your life. Alternatively, shoulders represent your ability to offer support and nurturance others.