Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Werewolf - 2008

This dream was one I had back in 2008 but only wrote it down late last year. I saw it, like most dreams but not all, in first person. I must say, that was scary... I can still feel the breath and teeth on my neck.

The room was almost completely dark. There was a slight pink glow on the horizon which trickled through 3 large floor-to-ceiling windows. Heavy dark clouds lurked, blocking out most of the stars. There was minimal furniture in the room; a long dining table, chairs, a shape that resembled a couch, but there was a dark shape at one end of the long room. It was too small for an armchair but the wrong shape for a side table.

I leaned back against the wall, still sitting on the floor. I looked around again, hoping for a sign of exit.

I looked up at the dark shape ahead of me. Surely it had just sniffed. Panic creeping slowly into my system.
It had better not move.

Maybe I imagined it. Maybe it had been me who had made the noise. My breathing had picked up and was slightly more laboured. Lightning flickered along the horizon briefly lighting up the room. Next to the armchair a figure was crouching low to the ground. When darkness fell again the figure moved a little away from the chair.

I must have screamed or something because it came charging towards me out of the shadows. A wolf, only bigger, longer and much more wild. Brown and grey. When it appeared like it was going to crash into me I crouched closer to the wall, head turned to one side and eyes squeezed shut.

It stopped so close to me that I was almost underneath it. It's breath heavy and wet. It leaned in closer and opened it's mouth around my neck, teeth scaping skin.
I heard a small sob and opened my eyes. In place of the wolf was a boy not much older than me; shirtless, scarred and physically shaking. His leaned forward, rested his head on my shoulder and sighed.

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